
The Graepel-22-Round4 ladder rung is 22 mm wide, 30 mm high and has 3 rows of holes with staggered, upward-facing perforations (d = 4 mm). The longitudinal divider measures 10 mm.
This rung is offered with a fixed measure of 308 mm (including a jog for clearance of 300 mm between the individual spars) for being welded to a pillar (d = 27 mm), or as uncut bar stock 2,000 mm long without a jog, which can be cut to length individually.
Material | Material thickness | Height | Width | Length |
DD 11 raw |
2,0 2,0 |
30 30 |
22,5 22,5 |
2.000 308 |
stainless steel material no. 1.4571 | 2,0 | 30 | 22,5 | 2.000 |