Sustainability & Engagement
The Graepel Group is aware of its global responsibility and the challenges of sustainable action. We are committed to a corporate policy focused on ecological, economic and social sustainability. Accordingly, we promote and encourage measures that work toward these objectives.
It is up to all of us to ensure that the following generations have a future worth living. As a company with a strong sense of responsibility, it is our fundamental objective to consistently combine efficiency and cost-effectiveness with all aspects of sustainability. Therefore, our corporate governance, our values and behavior demands us to be committed to
… uphold human rights,
… oppose discrimination,
… design a healthy workplace environment, …
… and protect our environment and climate.
Our commitment is to serve the interests of our staff members, customers, partners, our company and society.
Note: In order to make reading our website easier, the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) are not used in all cases. We regard the generic masculine as a neutral grammatical form of expression that explicitly includes all genders, unless indicated otherwise.
We manage our group of companies in awareness of our social, ecological and economic responsibility.
The main focus of the Graepel compliance program is to anchor our principles of conduct in the minds of all staff members (m/f/d) and thus to reduce any possible risks caused by potentially dubious actions to a minimum. All staff members (m/f/d) of the Graepel Group are required to comply with the applicable statutory regulations, other mandatory provisions and this Code of Conduct in their area of responsibility.
Friedrich Graepel AG introduced the company-wide Compliance function at the beginning of the 2011 financial year. Felix Graepel took over the responsibility for this department in 2018. Contacts in additional Compliance functions will be named in the near future so that the right person can always be contacted at all levels. Company contact persons are:
Friedrich Graepel AG und Graepel Löningen GmbH & Co. KG:
Ansgar Moormann, Hedi Ostermann
Graepel Seehausen GmbH & Co. KG:
Rüdiger Beutler, Eldor von Lentzke
Graepel North America Inc.:
Joe Cole, Dirk Schulte
Graepel Oberflächentechnik GmbH & Co. KG:
Alexander Boxhorn, Jan Hiltermann
Graepel Perforations India Pvt. Ltd.:
Faiyaj Momin, Pankaj Gauta
Reporting violations
Graepel is the top supplier and innovator in the industry and always a reliable partner to its customers.
When it comes to the production of products made from perforated sheet metal, Graepel is your unequivocal specialist. Forming perforated metal sheet products has been a long-standing tradition and the core of our business at Graepel. In the future, we will continue to provide our customers with the best solutions for perforated sheet metals. Our corporate culture provides customers and staff members with the confidence that they have the right partner on their side.
What our staff members appreciate: By applying audits and certifications, we have taken steps that add to our staff members’ sense of satisfaction. We see these approaches as a permanent learning process in which all Graepel staff members participates, this includes, for example, regular training and employee surveys.
Being a team: Each team member is encouraged to use his or her skills and develop further. Only this way can we grow together and produce top results.
Development expertise: Our customers place their trust in us and involve us as a very strong partner in their brainstorming, planning and development, so that we are significantly involved in their product development process.
Performance excellence: Well-structured, optimized and clearly defined processes are indispensable building blocks for creating an excellent company with outstanding performance.
Speed: From inquiry to shipment of the finished product, our processes are fast and efficient, making us an attractive supplier even for short-term orders. We operate at high speed in all our processes.
The Graepel Group complies with the principles of the UN Global Compact Initiative, which largely concern the protection of international human rights, the abolition of forced and child labor, elimination of discrimination, and environmental responsibility. The Graepel Code of Conduct is also based on the corporate values of the Graepel Group. The Code of Conduct serves as a mandatory guideline for us in our day-to-day work. We extend our commitment to all our suppliers and business partners around the world: All Graepel suppliers are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct in order to ensure that they too work with great integrity and in a socially responsible and environmentally friendly manner.
As a member of society, business partner and employer, the Graepel Group takes its responsibility with regard to work safety, health and environmental protection very seriously. We promote and safeguard the health and well-being of all our staff members, as well as all business partners who conduct business on our premises. We are committed to acting responsibly, minimizing potential risk, and making sure we all work safely day-in and day-out. With our actions, we want to reduce the deterioration of the environment constantly and preserve the natural resources for our future generations.
In order to meet our high sustainability requirements reliably, we use extensive third-party certification measures in addition to critical internal reviews.
For more information on sustainability in our company, please contact our employee Eva Pophanken: